Want to throw a party in 20 minutes? Here's how:
Wooden candlesticks? check
Brass Candlesticks? check
Fur throw? heck yes. check
Crystal goblets? check
Black pendant flags? check and check
Heaps of grapes, Fresh fruit, the richest Grape juice you can find, loaves and loaves of this rustic bread, 20 piece rotisserie chicken from the el pollo loco drive thru, miles of eucalyptus found on the side of the road? check check checkity check check.
(ps. working on a PENDANT flag tutorial that will blow your socks off-its so easy.)
A few more fun things:
these are rad matte black candles love using rustic wooden bowls for nuts+dried fruit or hardboiled eggs, as many silver platters as you can fit and don't you dare polish them. These or these viking shears must make an appearance.
The kiddies LOVED eating with their hands, feeding the scraps to their chickies, slurping up way too much grape juice and tearing off massive pieces of bread with oh so much butter. They all felt like kings. (VIKINGS) :) Found some scraps of fur and a viking helmet in the costume bin and luckily had prepped a few rustic bread loaves the night before for tomorrows dinner. Threw out some crystal mugs, decanters and brass candlesticks+flags I had in the Halloween bin. Lit some candlesticks and viola! its a VIKING FEAST!
Entertainment: game of thrones soundtrack playing, watched thor and/or how to train a dragon-cant remember! Sharpened knives and made leather braided and embellished bracelets, upside down tug of war while holding onto the same broom while on the backs of a team member whose on all fours and throw in some good ol fashion shirtless barefoot races. If you are up for it, play give birth to a bear ha.
Similar links are in bold above, most items are vintage and found at fleamarkets. I collect these crystal teacups and use them for every party. Check out your nearest thrift and check for the crystal punch bowls filled with them.